white mineral oil > 온라인 제품문의

white mineral oil > 온라인 제품문의

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온라인 제품문의

white mineral oil

페이지 정보

Ф.И. Дата20-01-30 21:38 Запрос2,100 комментариев0


Our company is producer various technical products, including car care , industrial and technical products, DIY and refinish auto enamels, one component polyurethane foams since 2000. Our modern factory located nearby  Moscow, providing  customers high quality filling service.  Adhesive & Sealants are the products we have just launched.
And we are interested in different solvents, such as
SBP 80/110 (bulk)
white oil (mineral oil) (in drums) for silicone sealants production
Requirements: completely colorless products, completely odorless, distillation range from 230 ° C to about 300 ° C, vapor pressure at 20 ° C less than 3 Pa, flash point above 100 ° C, freezing temperature below -25 ° C

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241, Haeyang-ro, Yeongdo-gu, Busan, Korea  T. 82-51-409-5014  F. 82-51-403-6440Политика конфиденциальности